Monday, May 22, 2006

I have lost my mind

Yep. No doubt about it. Triathlon. Who am I kidding?

Sunday after church, Susan and I went to the local state park to practice for the upcoming triathlon. The swimming killed me on Saturday and I know Susan was wore out as well. Soooooo . . . we did about 7 1/2 miles bike ride, 1 1/2 run and bailed out on the swim. The lake was awfully nasty looking and there were too many people. It was probably a good idea to take it easy since we had done the distances on Saturday. So instead of the swim, we sat in the shade and had a picnic! woo hoo.

Monday morning I was at the Y to get a swim in. 6:00 in the morning. Just me and a lifeguard. Needless to say, he probably had a good laugh watching me try to swim. However, to my credit, I did swim it faster than I did Saturday. I will be back at the Y tomorrow.

If anybody has a suggestion or tip for swimming and breathing PLEASE send me an email.


Anonymous said...

Personally, we find it much easier to walk on water. Good luck

Phil said...


Problems with the breathing technique isn't that unusual for a new swimer. I found one decent source at There appeared to be other resources out there as well, but this might give you a few pointers.

My advice however, is to take a few swiming lessons. There has got to be someone providing triathlon training in Birmingham. I'd imagine after a few lessons you'd be beating most of us up and down the pool.
