Saturday, December 17, 2005

Another Saturday Long Run

Whew. That's about all I can say about this morning long run. I did 14 1/2 miles this morning. I avetaged 9:14 pace. I really wanted to do a negative split . . . but I didn't. I wanted to run the last 3 miles in 8:30s . . . . but I didn't. However, I am not bummed by this.

I was stiff and sore from either the hill work on Thursday night or the 21 holes of golf I played Friday afternoon. The other thing that could have impacted my run the the late supper last night with our friends Jim and Karen and Randy and Martha. Or it could have been the fact that it was in the upper 30s with 10-15 mph winds out of the north. I don't mind cool weather. I don't mind the wind. However, when you put them together, I tend to let it bother me.

I am still running pretty well and I am still running my long runs faster than I should. I know that I should be running them 30-40 seconds slower than my race pace. Since I am planning to run a 4 hour marathon that means that I have to run 9:09 miles. That is the magic number that I am planning my training around.

Next week's long run is planned 15.6 miler. Nothing like a nice long run on Christmas eve!

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