Monday, February 20, 2006

Starting back up . . flying pig or bust

It's been a couple of days since I've posted. Sorry about that. I did not get to run in Tupelo as I had planned. The weather did get nasty on us. Rain and 33 degrees. Just waiting to turn to ice. In fact, there was some freezing rain that was falling. It just wasn't sticking.

Sooooooo . . .
I did my 12 miler Sunday afternoon. It was in the high 30s with a very light breeze and broken clouds. It wouldn't have hurt my feelings if it had been a little bit warmer but I survived. Total run was 1 hour, 42 minute, 37 seconds. If my math is correct that works out to 8:33 pace. Felt pretty good. Marc "Animal" ran about 5 or 6 miles with me before he took off for some hill work-thanks Marc. I can always count on him to make me run just a little bit faster.

I've got to start bearing down to get ready for the Flying Pig marathon. I only have 11 weeks left and I still need to get in at least 2 20 milers and I want to do a 24 miler also. If you space some 15 and 18 milers in between you can see I don't have a whole lot of slop in my training schedule.

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