Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday morning

Yes, I am goofing off at work. Shhhhhh . . . . don't tell anyone. Of course the computer nazis already know that I'm here so I'm making it quick!

Saturday morning Susan and I went to Oak Mountain State Park to practice for another triathlon. Instead of doing a 50 mile bike ride with my buds, we did about 600 m open water swim (did I tell you how much I hate swimming?), between 9 and 10 mile bike ride (nice rolling hills), and somewhere around 2 1/2 mile run (1 1/2 miles on single track trail). We're planning on doing another beginner triathlon called "Feel Like a Wet Dog" which is run in Decatur, Alabama. If I remember right it is a 400 m open water swim, 12 mile bike ride and a 5 k run. This is done the first week in August so I should have time to build my swimming.

Sunday morning we did an easy 5 mile run and then canceled out all the good work by going to IHOP!

This morning I was in the pool at the Y at 6:00. I am still trying to get my breathing down while I freestyle . . . . still ain't happening. I am somewhere between treading water and swimming. I'm sure I can do 400m . . . I will just have to take my time doing it. I did notice that there was a lady in the pool this morning and she could swim. She was doing three lengths to my two. I HATE THIS WOMAN!!!


Anonymous said...

IHOP is the meeting place of champions---

Shane (mississip) said...

In Tupelo it is Shockley's Pancake shop!

Man, you are tearing up the Tri training!

I was thinking about getting a road bike this fall. Did you get a tri bike or a regular performance bike? I can't really decide which I would go after. Even though it would primarily be for tri's, I wouldn't want to rule out extended rides with friends. How did you decide?