Tuesday, June 17, 2008

very weird day

Yes, it was a weird day today. A day of highs and lows. It's 10:30 pm and I'm still trying to sort through some of it.

Worked just an 8 hour day. That meant that I was off by 3:00. My buddy Larry T and I planned to play 9 holes and everything was on track. I got home from work and ran a quick 3 miler, just to break a sweat and get loose before playing golf. Everything was in tune. However, today was the day that my neighbors across the street moved. Officially. He had taken a job months ago in Atlanta (yuck) and had been commuting for several months. They finally sold their house a couple of weeks ago and had closed on one in Atlanta. Prior to my run, I stopped by and spoke with them for a while, trying to keep it light hearted. We sort of said our good byes and see you laters and I headed to the golf course. My legs were a little weary but I was still in better shape than the other two guys I was playing with. It's always fun to realize that you're in better shape than your friends, even when you're in (what we consider) bad shape. Anyway . . . I played fairly well and finished shooting a 42 for 9 holes. Should have been 40 or 41 but I blew up and took a double bogey on a par 5, the 8th hole. I headed back home only to find my moving neighbors in the street, about to load up and leave. My next door neighbor, Karen, who is also very close with Todd and Kathy, was in the street crying. CRAP. I hate this kind of stuff. I parked my truck and walked out to say goodbye (again). This time there was lots of crying. Even Todd was sniffling as he went to Karen's house to change shirts. Kathy and her two girls, E and C, along with Karen were all red eyed and drug me into the estrogen pit with them. Thanks, all . . . I HATE YOU!!! We said farewells again and all made promises to visit. We'll see how that goes.

So, so sum it up . . . I ran 3 miles, walked 9 holes and played decently. I lost two very close friends. How does one balance the emotions in one's life?

Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm planning on going to Susan's to sand sheetrock and get ready to paint. She'll have leftovers from her party tonight and I'm fine with that.

As Forrest Gump would say . . . "That's all I have to say about that"



DawnB said...

sorry to hear of your friends moving but i'm sure you will keep in touch.

I answered your tag

Phil said...

"estrogen pit" ... have got to remember that phrase.