Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I am continuing to do my four days a week and lifting twice a week.

Sometimes I find myself motivated beyond description and other times I couldn't care less. I'm sure that work and personal life has lots to do with it. Plus the fact that it is that time of year . . . those of you who "know" me know what I am speaking about. I am just ready for the year to be over and to get on with next year. There is nothing I can do except to keep my chin up and head through it . . . there is no dodging it.

I am going to Tupelo to visit Helen (Mona's mom) for the next couple of days. There are some heirloom type of items that I need to give her. Things that belong in the family and not with me. This is my decision and not Helen's. She's told me to keep things but it just isn't right. Paintings by Mona's grandmother, antiques from her grandmothers home . . . those things should stay in the family and go to Mona's brothers. I guess after two years I am starting to realize that I need to let go. I am saddened by it but as a friend of mine says . . . "thems the breaks".

I plan on running Thursday and Saturday while in Tupelo.

Be sure to keep me in your prayers over the next week.


Anonymous said...

What can I say? Pain from loss, is a terrible thing, but it does eventually lessen. Working through it brings you to being a stronger person..a person that can help others in the same situation. We all miss Mona, so much--she was (and still is) our inspiration and we will never forget her..not ever. She has left her life as a remembrance for us all (who knew and love her). You will get through this Xmas, that is filled with prayers for you and you will be strengthened, just as Mona would want. I promise you, everything will fall into place and everything will be all right. There are so many people who love you, you are not alone and we stand with you. Good that you are taking family things back to where they belong..I promise you, it will get better or should I say, it will not get any worse.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that I can say anything better than Ashville did. We can never feel what you feel but know that you are not alone. Mona was an amazing person and friend. She helped me more than I ever told her when I was sick. I don't think my recovery would have been as easy or unselfish without her support and friendship. Mona meant the world to us and so do you. Please don't forget that. Please tell Helen we love her too. I understand completely if we don't see you for a week or so but you know how to get in if you need to escape, Or if you just want to be around people who don't care if you just be.

Anonymous said...

This time of year and our loss of Mona still brings tears to all of our eyes, as a matter of fact just today while visiting with your Mom. Enjoy your visit with Helen, laugh and remember the good times, I know Mona would like that. You and Mona's family also have my prayers. I love ya and will see you when you get back.