Friday, January 13, 2023

January 13 . . . . I've been buidling up my step count since my surgery (Dec 13). Open Heart surgery to be more precise - no bypasses but a simple valve replaement. Per my records - TRANSESOPHAGEAL ECHOCARDIOGRAM, MEDIAN STERNOTOMY, CARDIOPULMONARY BYPASS, AUTOTRANSFUSION, AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT USING EDWARDS INSPIRIS AORTIC VALVE, 29 MM, S/N 9738352, MAZE. That is a lot of words to say "we cut you open, put you on heart-lung machine, replaced valve and scared my upper chambers to help prevent AFIB. Amazing to see how much better I've been getting . . . the first week while in the hospital doing a single loop on the floor was pretty tiring - between 60 and 100 steps (yes, I kept my pedometer with me). the first several day after getting home my steps varied from 700 to 2000, always improving every day. Following that I improved up to 3000 step count up to 4000. Starting at New Year I went to 4700 steps up to 9470 steps one week into Jan. This week I've been in the high 9000 count up to 11,500 steps . . . bottom line is improving my stamina and fitness. Another "good" result from the surgery- Weight loss. 4 weeks after surgery I'm approx 25 lbs lighter than pre-surgery. I'm also starting to do very light dumbell work and stretches provided by the UAB cardiac group.

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