Monday, May 01, 2006

I can't believe it is almost here

Sorry ya'll . . . been out of town on a golf outing and have not updated recently.

Last week I took it easy since my legs were dead from the long Saturday run and follow up with the Sunday run. I did get in a nice 5 miler last Tuesday but skipped Wed and Thurs.

While at Jekyll Island, GA, I ran a VERY strong and confident building 90 minute run. Best I could tell it was somewhere between 11 and 12 miles. I felt great. I hardly ever run without a shirt but since I was at the beach and I need some tan on my white body, I ran sans singlet. A beautiful run. I had played decent golf which got me into a pretty good mood. The run was spectacular. The trail I ran runs along the beach and in and out of live oaks with spanish moss. There were folks on the trail riding bikes and walking. I felt so "studly" being the only out there on Friday afternoon running in the sun and the heat.

Came home Sunday morning. 7 hours in the car. Not my choice of things to do on a weekend day but I guess it is the price you pay for having fun. After I got home, I did a very hard 5 miler and felt great doing it. It was strange weather . . . . low 60s and a light rain. It was bad but good . . . does that sound strange? My life seems to be loaded with paradoxes right now.

I did an easy 4 miler this afternoon before I cut grass. While running it occurred to my how different my life has become since Mona passed. I had been planning this marathon since early November and Mona had supported me in my dreams of getting back into marathon shape. After she died, everything in me screamed to give up. I knew that she had no quit in her and this run has somehow become more about her than me. Perhaps that is why I think I can really do a good job with it. No, I'm not hung up on my grieving for her-it's just that she always inspired me with her determination and spirit and I owe her that much. I have trained so hard. Harder than any other time. Yet I feel so relaxed going into this marathon. I am normally a basket case this close to a race. However, as bad as I want to do well, I sort of have a don't give a $hit attitude. Like I said, my life is full of paradoxes. Everytime I think of some reason to quit or give up on anything, there are twice as many reasons to go on. Maybe some of you know what I'm talking about. I am afraid that I may experience the post marathon funk. That is why I am already planning for the next race.

My goal is to run a hard 6 miler tomorrow and an easy 5 miler Thursday. I may decide to jog a mile or two Saturday morning before the marathon. I've checked the Cincinnati weather and it should be perfect for the run. Supposed to start out in the low 40s-PERFECT!

Must break 4 hours. Intermediate goal is to break 3:55 and my stretch goal is to break 3:50.
Must go faster!


Wilson's Whiskers said...

Hi Jim,
I had you on my mind and thought I would check out your training for the BIG RUN. I am so glad to see that you are doing so well. And I do agree with you, this should be for Mona. She was the most determined person I have ever known. She has been one of the greatest blessings in many lives.

You too have been an inspiration for many of us. I think this is going to be your finest run ever!!!

Keep it up and good luck!!!!!!! Charlotte

Phil said...


I think you have at least a 3:45 in if not better. You are running strong at all distances. Pace yourself for the first 18 miles or so and go for it over the last 8 depending on how you feel. Your body will let you know if you can break 3:45

Good luck,


Dom said...

If you don't break 4:00, my wife is going to buy you pink panties...

Seriously, you have trained well, just run what you have trained yourself to do and feel confident that you are prepared...I agree with Phil's comment. Steady pace to 18-20, then if you got it in you, let the hammer drop and kick some a$$!!!

Then it is time to recover and get on the bike...there is a good century I have been meaning to tell you about ;-)

Anonymous said...

Doing good, proud of you. You are a winner no matter what your running time is.
Hamlins Sr.

Anonymous said...

We're with you and will be thinking about you all the way!
Karen and Jim